AAY = Antyodaya Anna Yojana |
ACA = Additional Central Assistance |
ADA = Aizawl Development Authority |
ADB = Asian Development Bank |
AIBP = Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme |
AMC = Aizawl Municipal Council |
APDRP = Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme |
APEDA = Agricultural and Processed Food Products and Export Development Authority |
ASHA = Accredited Social Health Activists |
ASPA = Advanced Special Plan Assistance |
AT& C = Average, Technical & Commercial Loss |
ATI = Administrative Training Institute |
ATMA = Agriculture Technology Management Agency |
AYUSH= Ayurveda, Yoga ,Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoepathy |
BADP = Border Area Development Programme |
BAFFACOS = Bamboo Flowering and Famine Combat Scheme |
BOB= Bank of Baroda |
BPL = Below Poverty Line |
BPO=Branch Post Office |
BRGF = Backward Region Grand Fund |
BRO = Border Roads Organisation |
BSUP = Basic Service to the Urban Poor |
CAT= Computer Aided Teaching |
CCA= Culturable Command Area |
CDCU = Chhimtuipui District Cooperative Union |
CPU = Central Processing Unit |
CRSP= Central Rural Sanitation Programme |
CSO = Central Statistics Organisation |
CSS= Centrally Sponsored Scheme CWSN=Children with Special Needs |
CTE = College of Teacher Education |
DDA = Delhi Development Authority |
DONER = Development of North East Region |
DOTs= Directly Observed Treatment strategy |
DVOR = Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range |
EAP = Externally Aided Project |
EPI = Expanded Programme of Immunization |
EBB = Educationally Backward Block |
EPIP = Export Promotion Industrial Park |
ERCM = Education Reforms Commission, Mizoram. |
EWS= Economically Weaker Section |
FC = Fully Covered |
FFDA = Fish Farmer Development Agency |
FSI = Forest Survey of India |
GBS= Gross Budgetary Support |
GER=Gross Enrolment Ratio |
GCA= Gross Command Area |
GER = Gross Enrolment Ratio |
GSDP = Gross State Domestic Product |
HFO= Heavy Furnace Oil |
HiWEL= Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited |
HiWEL= Hle-in-the-Wall Education Limited |
HMNEH= Horiculture Mission for North East & Himalayan Region |
HPO= Head Post Office |
HPTW= Hand Pumped Tube Well |
ICT = Information and Communication Technology |
ICMR= Indian Council of Medical Research |
IDSP= Integrated Disease Surveillance Project |
ICDS= Integrated Child Development Services |
ICPS= Integrated Child Protection Scheme |
IEC= Information, Education and Communication |
IGNOAP= Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension |
IHL = Individual Household Latrines |
IHSDP = Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme |
IIPA = Indian Institute of Public Administration |
ILS= Instrumental Landing System |
IPC= Irrigation Potential Created |
IREP = Integrated Rural Electric Programme |
IUD = Intra - Uterine Devices |
IWDP = Integrated Wasteland Development Programme |
IWMP= Integrated Watershed Management Programme |
JFM = Joint Forest Management |
JNNURM = Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission |
KGBV = Kashturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya |
LDCU = Lunglei District Cooperative Union |
LIG = Low Income Group |
lpcd = litres per capita per day |
MAHCO = Mizoram Apex Handloom & Handicraft Co-operative Society Ltd. |
MAHFED = Mizoram State Agriculture/Horticulture & Marketing Cooperative Federation |
MASCOS= Mizoram Apex Sericulture Cooperative Society Ltd. |
MDM = Mid-Day Meal |
MCS= Model Cluster Schools |
MDM = Mid-Day Meal |
MFF= Multi-tranche Financing Failities |
MHTC = Mizoram Hindi Training College |
MIZOFED = Mizoram State Co-Operative Marketing & Consumers Federation Ltd. |
MCAB = Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. |
MKWH =Million Kilo Watt Hour |
MNRE = Ministry of New and Renewable Energy |
MPL = Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei |
MGNREGS = Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme |
MSCU = Mizoram State Co-operative Union |
MSHCS=Mizoram State Health Care Scheme |
MDG= Mukhya Dak Ghar |
MUCO Bank= Mizoram Urban Cooperative Development Bank Ltd. |
MULCO = Mizoram Multi-commodity Producers Co-operative Union Ltd. |
MW = Mega Watt |
MZU = Mizoram University |
NABARD = National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NC = Non-Covered |
NCC= National Cadet Corps |
NCSE = Non Conventional Source of Energy |
NEC = North Eastern Council |
NEDFi = North Eastern Financial Development Corporation |
NEEPCO = North Eastern Electric Power Corporation |
NeGAP = National E-Governance Action Plan |
NERUDP = North East Region Urban Development Project |
NERCCDIP= North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Programme |
NHPC = National Hydro Power Corporation |
NIELIT = National Institute for Electronics and Information Technology |
NLCPR = Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources |
NLEP = National Leprosy Eradication Programme |
NPAG = Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls |
NPCBB= National Project on Cattle And Buffalo Breeding |
NPEGEL = National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level |
NRDWP = National Rural Drinking Water Programme |
NREGS = National Rural Employment Guaranteed Scheme |
NRHM = National Rural Health Mission |
NSDP = Net State Domestic Product |
NSS = National Services Schemes |
NSSO = National Sample Survey Organisation |
NVBDCP= National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme |
PAC = Potential Area Connectivity |
PACS = Primary Agricultural Credit Societies |
PC = Partially Covered |
PIGFED = Mizoram Pig Producer Co-operative Federation Ltd. |
PMGSY = Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana |
PPP = Public Private Partnership |
PRS = Public Reservation System |
PYKKA= Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan |
RBD = Registration of Birth and Death |
RCH= Reproductive and Child Health |
RE = Revised Estimates |
REC = Rural Electrification Corporation |
RGGVY = Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana |
RGSY= Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana |
RMIS = Rationalisation of Minor Irrigation Stastistics |
RMSA= Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan |
RNTCP= Revised National TB Control Programme |
RKVY= Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana |
RSBY = Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana |
RSVY = Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana |
RWHS=Rural Water Harvesting Schemes |
SAL = Structural Adjustment Loan |
SARDP-NE = Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North East |
SCA = Special Central Assistance |
SGRY = Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana |
SGSY = Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana |
SJSRY= Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana |
SIPMIU = State Investment Programme Management and Implementation Unit |
SIRD = State Institute of Rural Development |
SIDBI= Small Industrial Development Bank of India |
SLMC & IAC = State Level Monitoring Cell & Internal Audit Cell |
SMS = State Matching Share |
SPA = Special Plan Assistance |
SPO = Sub-Post Office |
SSA = Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan |
STEP-UP= Skill Training for Promotion amoung Urban Poor |
TPR = Teacher-Pupil Ratio |
TSC = Total Sanitation Campaign |
TSECL = Tripura State Electricity Corporation Ltd. |
TSP = Tribal Sub Plan |
UCDN= Urban Community Development Network |
UIDSSMT = Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Town |
UIG = Urban Infrastructure and Governance |
ULBs = Urban Local Bodies |
UPS = Upper Primary School/Uninterruptible Power Supply |
USEP= Urban Self-Employment Programme |
UWEP= Urban Wage Employment Programme |
UWSP = Urban Women Self-help Programme |
VAT = Value Added Tax |
VHSC = Village Health & Sanitation Committee |
WAPCOS = Water and Power Consultancy Services Ltd. |
WDPSCA = Watershed Development Programme in Shifting Cultivation Areas |
WOMENFD = Mizoram Women Cooperative Federation |
WPA = Women Polytechnic Aizawl |
WSS = Water Supply Scheme |
YHAI = Youth Hostel Association of India |
ZEDA = Zoram Energy Development Agency |
ZOFISHFED = Mizoram Cooperative Fish Farming Marketing & Processing Federation |
Page Links: https://planning.mizoram.gov.in/page/acronymsp
Department Updates Title
- Obligation for posing project proposal and execution of project
- Offer by NEDFi for providing Advisory & Consulting Supports to State Government
- Appointment of Nodal Officer for PMJVK
- Cancellation of attachment order in respect of Officers under Planning & Programme Implementation Department
Government of Mizoram Latest News