India being a signatory to the resolution of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which adopts 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is the obligation on the part of the State Government to adopt these 17 SDGs for its Vision Plan. This require a more inclusive framework that will take the State forward on a sustainable and faster and inclusive growth platform, beyond managing the conventional poverty and vulnerability norms, as outlined in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The Government is keen to ensure that the implementation of SDGs in the State is judiciously prioritized and adopted in accordance with local challenges, capacities and resources available.

The State Government aims to align its flagship programme; New Economic Development Policy (NEDP), existing Central Sponsored Schemes and programme with the SDGs targets for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This report is prepared with the aim of visualizing the State baseline, targets and key Strategy to achieve SDGs by 2030 in the State.

The baseline information along with the targets and key strategies form a part of the vision documents. As a first step towards achieving the Vision 2030, a baseline scenario of the parameters relevant to the SDGs is consolidated. Inputs from all line departments are collaborated. Nodal Officer has been nominated in all line Departments to support effective implementation and better coordination among line Departments in the State Government and for effective monitoring in their respective areas and mapping of resources.

            The Mizoram Vision 2030 comprises of SDGs goals and targets which the State aims to achieve by implementing various programme and strategies for each sectors which are explained in details. It also comprises of the basic Monitoring Framework for better conditions and timely support structure for successful implementation. It consists of the Budget alignment with SDGs implementation and monitoring template with the base case scenario and track progress in form of dashboard.

ClickHere to Download the Mizoram Vision 2030.