The Planning Organisation in Mizoram encompasses the following entities: | ||||||||||||
1. | Planning & Programme Implementation Department | |||||||||||
2. | State Planning Board | |||||||||||
3. | District Planning Machinery (High Powered Committee, Lunglei) | |||||||||||
1. |
Organisation | |||||||||||
a) | The Planning & Programme Implementation Department is the nodal Department for all development activities in the state, function as a liaison body between Planning Commission and the State Government. | |||||||||||
b) | Planning & Programme Implementation (P&PI) Department consists of two branches under the overall administrative control of Secretary/Commissioner, Planning and assisted by Additional Secretary-cum-Principal Adviser : | |||||||||||
(i) | Establishment & Accounts Branch | |||||||||||
(ii) | Research & Developmental Planning Branch | |||||||||||
2. | Function | |||||||||||
a) | Establishment & Accounts Branch: | |||||||||||
i) |
This branch deals with all Administrative, establishment, accounts and service matters relating to Research & Developmental Planning Branch, Directorate of Economics & Statistics Directorate of Science & Technology, State Planning Board and District Planning Machinery. |
ii) | Act as nodal department for MP/MLA Local Area Development Fund, 20 Points Programme etc. | |||||||||||
b) | Research & Developmental Planning Branch: | |||||||||||
i) | All matters relating to formulation & approval of Annual Plan and Five Year Plan and its implementations. | |||||||||||
ii) | Act as Nodal Department for Ministry of DoNER & NEC. | |||||||||||
iii) | Collection, analysis and submission of monthly expenditure, QPR on Plan Schemes. Monitoring, Evaluation and site visit of projects under State Plan, NLCPR & NEC. | |||||||||||
iv) | Allocation and reallocation of Plan Fund under Annual Plan to different sectors. | |||||||||||
3. | Manpower: | |||||||||||
The Administrative Branch is manned by Officers drawn from MCS/MMS cadre and other Secretarial staff, whereas the Research & Developmental Planning Branch is manned by Officers from the MPE&SS (Mizoram Planning, Economics & Statistical Service) and other ministerial supporting staff of the Mizoram State Government. | ||||||||||||
(B) | STATE PLANNING BOARD | |||||||||||
The State Planning Board function separately as an Advisory Body. | ||||||||||||
Functions: | ||||||||||||
i) | Review and monitoring of State Flagship Programme. | |||||||||||
ii) | Advise the Government in the formulation of Annual Plan, Five Year Plan and District Plans. | |||||||||||
iii) | Guide and recommend to the Government on any matters deemed necessary relating to Planning and other critical issues facing the State. | |||||||||||
iv) | Undertake evaluation of projects and programmes and ake recommendations to the State Government. | |||||||||||
v) | Identify factors which retard socio-economic development and suggest corrective measures to the Government. | |||||||||||
vi) | To explore the feasibility of PPP Projects and avenues for private investments in the State. | |||||||||||
vii) | To take up such other studies and function as may be assigned to it from to time and make suitable recommendations to the State Government. | |||||||||||
viii) | Frame a suitable policy for manpower planning and further advise the Government for addressing the problems of educated youths. | |||||||||||
(C) | HIGH POWERED COMMITTEE for Lunglei District | |||||||||||
The Governor of Mizoram re-constitute the Lunglei High Powered Committee by amalgamating it with the District Planning Board, Lunglei constituted under Government of Mizoram Notification No.G.28015/54/2001-PLG dt.21st September, 2004. | ||||||||||||
The High Powered Committee have a permanent Office with the required staff at Lunglei. | ||||||||||||
Powers and functions of the Committee; | ||||||||||||
1) | It will formulate District Plan and schemes; set priorities and determine plan policies and thrust areas and forward the proposed plan to the State Planning Board for approval. | |||||||||||
2) | It will formulate and implement District level plan out of the outlay earmarked as discretionary and incentive fund/separately earmarked to meet the local aspirations. | |||||||||||
3) | It will examine all District level plan proposals under normal State Plan, CSS and other funding agencies before forwarding the same to the State Planning Board. | |||||||||||
4) | Undertake review and monitoring of all District level plan and projects under State Plan, CSS and under other Central Assistance. | |||||||||||
5) | The Committee will also have the power and liberty to draw up developmental projects and schemes considered necessary for the District for onward submission to the Central Government or any other funding agencies through the State Planning Board and pursue the same. | |||||||||||
6) | The Planning and Programme Implementation Department, Government of Mizoram will be the nodal Department for Lunglei High Powered Committee. |
Page Links:
Planning Organisation in Mizoram
Department Updates Title
- Obligation for posing project proposal and execution of project
- Offer by NEDFi for providing Advisory & Consulting Supports to State Government
- Appointment of Nodal Officer for PMJVK
- Cancellation of attachment order in respect of Officers under Planning & Programme Implementation Department
Government of Mizoram Latest News